Crystal clear: Forecast for possible government shutdown is murky

I have a parliamentary crystal ball for how September may go on Capitol Hill. That doesn’t mean I have many answers. Like most crystal balls, they are limited in their accuracy. They won’t give you the full story. But they will absolutely nail some aspects. No. The crystal ball cannot definitively predict whether the government […]

Oversight Committee targets Buttigieg for ‘disturbing pattern’ of travel ‘safety failures’

The House Oversight Committee is launching a probe into a “series of aviation and rail safety failures” on Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s watch. “These failures indicate a recent and disturbing pattern of failures at the Department placing…the safety of Americans at risk,” the committee’s Republican majority wrote to Buttigieg Tuesday.  “Therefore, we request a briefing, […]

Biden rejects potential plea deal for 9/11 planners that would spare their lives

President Biden rejected a potential Department of Defense plea deal that would have excused 9/11 architects and co-conspirators from potentially facing the death penalty, according to an announcement Wednesday.  The decision comes just days before the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks which took the lives of nearly 3,000 people.  “The administration declines to accept […]