Sen. Grassley: ‘Big Blue Cities’ Pressured Biden on Border Wall

President Joe Biden’s shift on building a wall on the U.S. southern border is being driven by Democrat-run cities waking up to the harsh realities of the immigration crisis, Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, said Thursday. The Biden administration announced it waived 26 federal …[#item_full_content]

Whistleblower: DOJ, FBI Mocked Congress’ Hunter Biden Inquiries

Internal Revenue Service whistleblower Gary Shapley disclosed that officials from the FBI and a U.S. attorney’s office were “openly mocking” congressional inquiries into what was happening with the Hunter Biden tax and firearms possession investigations. Shapley added that…[#item_full_content]

RNC Members Admit Debates Without Trump Might Be Pointless

Republican National Committee members have been frustrated with the GOP presidential primary debates and have even said that they might be pointless without former President Donald Trump, the clear front-runner for the nomination.[#item_full_content]

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: US Support for Arming Ukraine Declines

The level of American support for supplying arms to Ukraine has experienced a significant decline, according to a new survey released Thursday. In the poll, just 41% of participants agreed with the idea of the U.S. continuing to furnish weaponry to Ukraine. …[#item_full_content]

Reuters/Ipsos Poll: US Support for Arming Ukraine Declines

The level of American support for supplying arms to Ukraine has experienced a significant decline, according to a new survey released Thursday. In the poll, just 41% of participants agreed with the idea of the U.S. continuing to furnish weaponry to Ukraine. …

Report: Trump Discussed US Nuke Subs With Foreign National

Former President Donald Trump, months after leaving the White House, discussed potentially sensitive information about the United States’ fleet of nuclear submarines with an Australian billionaire and member of Trump’s club Mar-a-Lago, ABC News reported Thursday. Special …[#item_full_content]