Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro, indicted alongside Trump, pleads guilty in Georgia election case

Lawyer Kenneth Chesebro pleaded guilty to a felony on Friday just as jury selection was getting underway in his trial on charges accusing him of participating in efforts to overturn Donald Trump’s loss in the 2020 election in Georgia. Chesebro, who was charged alongside Trump and 17 others with violating the state’s anti-racketeering law, pleaded […]

House GOP: Expel Student Visa Holders Who Support Hamas

House Republicans are demanding the State Department and Department of Homeland Security expel student visa holders who endorse or espouse “terrorist activity” or persuade others to “endorse or espouse terrorist activity or support a terrorist organization,” citing…[#item_full_content]

Group Wants Probe of ICE Contract

The American Accountability Foundation is demanding an Inspector General’s investigation into the Immigration Customs and Enforcement office. The foundation, which describes itself as a non-profit government accountability group that focuses on researching the leaders in…[#item_full_content]

House Republicans vote to remove Jim Jordan as speaker nominee

House Republicans voted via secret ballot Friday afternoon to remove Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, as their speaker nominee, Fox News Digital has confirmed. House Republicans huddled behind closed doors to figure out a path forward after Jordan lost even more support for his House speaker bid in a third-round House vote earlier Friday. GOP lawmakers are […]