Disney Admits Its Left-Wing Politics Hurt Shareholders

The father of capitalism, Adam Smith, brought us capitalism, bringing the “invisible hand” of free market to the world 300 years ago, and Disney is now admitting it has been slapped by the hand in a pushback on its political and social agenda, legal expert Jonathan Turley says.[#item_full_content]

Chinese officials say surge in respiratory illness likely not caused by novel pathogen

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has provided data suggesting the spike in respiratory illnesses in the country is not from a novel pathogen, World Health Organization (WHO) officials claim. Earlier this month, Chinese authorities from the National Health Commission reported an increase in respiratory diseases in China, prompting the WHO to press the CCP for […]

Dick Morris to Newsmax: Americans Reject Dems, Biden on Hamas

Polls are showing Americans are abandoning Democrats and President Joe Biden over policy positions overseas, especially with relation to unwavering support for Israel, according to presidential campaign adviser Dick Morris on Newsmax.[#item_full_content]

Polls: Biden’s Numbers Sliding While Trump’s Climb

President Joe Biden’s poll numbers are continuing to slide downward, while former President Donald Trump, the clear front-runner in the race for the GOP presidential nomination, is enjoying poll numbers that are at a higher point than at any time over the past year.[#item_full_content]