Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee says she has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer

U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, announced Sunday night that she is being treated for pancreatic cancer, but assured her constituents that she will soon be back at full strength. Jackson Lee, 74, has been representing Texas’ 18th congressional district for 30 years. “My doctors have confirmed my diagnosis for pancreatic cancer,” Jackson Lee said […]

Radical climate activist vandalizes famous painting in Paris

Paris authorities arrested a radical climate protester Saturday after she vandalized a famous painting by Claude Monet at the Orsay Museum.  The protester, who was part of the French environmental activist group, Riposte Alimentaire, targeted Monet’s 1973 painting “Les Coquelicots” by covering it with a large red sticker and gluing her hand to the wall.  […]