Legal Scholar: Biden-Barack Obama Is ‘Plan C’ Ticket

Democrat strategists might be ready to exploit a loophole to get former President Barack Obama back in the White House, which includes making him President Joe Biden’s running mate and next in line should Biden step down after the election.

Rasmussen Poll: 80% Are Proud to Be American

Despite living at a time in which there’s great focus on political and religious differences within the country, 80% of Americans say they’re proud of their nation and its history, a Rasmussen Reports survey found.

Columbia University: Protest Rules ‘Don’t Work’

Private text messages revealed this week by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce reveal top Columbia University administrators admitting their self-imposed rules on managing student protests “don’t work,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

Britain Populist Farage Takes Long-Term View in Election

Right-leaning populist Nigel Farage said he’s “very optimistic” about his Reform Party heading into the British election and expressed confidence that former President Donald Trump will return to the White House and provide the world with much-needed “strong leadership.”[#item_full_content]