Donald Trump Says Shinzo Abe Shooting ‘Devastating News’: ‘True Friend’
Donald Trump has described his shock at the shooting of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Abe, 67, is reported to be in a grave condition following the shooting at a political campaign event in the city of Nara. Abe is the longest serving prime minister in Japanese history after leading the country between 2006 and 2007 […]
Drones from China company cause spying concerns, experts claim
Drones being used around the country to enforce coronavirus lockdowns were donated by a company with ties to the Chinese government, raising concerns that the nation many blame for allowing the virus to become a pandemic has sneaked a powerful espionage tool into the skies above its economic rival. Drones from Da Jiang Innovations (DJI) have gone to 43 law enforcement agencies in […]
Trump scatenato contro il globalismo: “Ha fallito”
Trump scatenato contro i globalisti. Il presidente Donald Trump ha affermato sabato che la più grande eredità che il coronavirus lascerà agli Stati Uniti è che questi ultimi non avrebbero dovuto fare affidamento sulla Cina per le loro catene di approvvigionamento. “Abbiamo imparato molto sulle catene di approvvigionamento”, ha affermato Trump. “Abbiamo imparato che è […]